Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thinking While Your Readinig

When I read, I think how their voice sounds. I also imagine what I look like when I do the same thing as the character. Sometimes, I try to think how they look by what the author wrote. After I watched the movie, Twilight, I read the book. When I read the book, I think what's different about the movie to the book. I've pay a lot of attention to books now than last year. When I read about something sad, I sometimes think about my life and my friends. When I read a book, I sometimes don't think about it, because I think about other things in life.


  1. wow i feel the same way i even cry!!!!!

  2. Awwwwwwwww! Thats nice. I saw the movie too and let me tell you that it was asome to me:)
