Thursday, February 5, 2009

All of a Sudden, Emotions start to appear

Everytime I start to read, I just have feelings. Like yesterday, (FebruaryCheck Spelling 5, 2009) I picked up my book and the first sentence I read was perfection is imperfection. I started to think what that sentence meant, but anyways when I read sometimes I don't know how to express the way I feel with certain books. When there are funny parts I just start to laugh out of nowhere and not anyone knows why. There are many parts of the story where I stop and just put the book down. The reason why is when a surprising part starts to begin, I stop reading because when I go back to reading I don't find anything boring or else I'll just stop reading the book for a while and go back reading the book couple of days later.


  1. When I read, the emotion started to pop up too.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I do that too,but I usaully end up forgetting about the book.

  4. I sometimes never read the book ever again either. It's funny how we all feel the same way.
