Thursday, February 5, 2009

90 Minute in Heaven

On the way home from confrence,Don Piper's was crushedby a semi that crossed into his lane.medical personnle said he had died instantly. While his life lay lifeless inside the ruins of his car, Piper experienced the glories of Heaven,awed by its beauty and music. This book is a very intresting book.


  1. That's scary. He comes back alive. Sounds impossible but, it's just a book.

  2. well, don't miracles sometime does happen in what you believein? is it real story? or just made up.....if i were that guy i would be thankful because then i can came back to life.....looks like this book is me....hahaha... lolz...

  3. it sounds fairly impossible but its a book so i can relate

  4. this book is different from the other one...too confusing....>.<....

  5. WOW! he's in heaven for 90 minutes then comes back alive. That's a miracle.
