This book is very interesting to me because i looooove mystery books and shows. I also like to read about adventures through hard times. This book is about a girl named Kat and starting her stage of communicating with spirits(not ghosts). Kat is the one who is opening the book and gasping. I've only gotten to page 67. Kat has always wanted a dog and she got one when she turned 13. The dog, Max, is comfortable in his new home and knows what he and Kat want. While walkig herr new dog wit her mother, Kat brushed into a weird, old,and creepy man. Now just know that Kat's mom started communcating with spirits. ''Excuse me mister'' said Kat. Turns out, that ceepy guy was a spirit which Kat's mom saw and now Kat saw too! Her mother was like ''whaaaaaaaat did you just say''!? She was excited but surpprised at the same time. Kat's mom had no idea that she could see spirits now that she was 13 years old. Meanwhile, Kat made a new friend in school. HER name is JAC.if you llike mystery and adventure, read this book. I'll post more later se ya!
I read this book too! I like it.
ReplyDeleteThis girl can really type a lot! I know because me and he were best friends since wound. I know almost everything about her, espscially in ELA. She can read so fasst and she flies right through this book called Suddenly Suprenatural. I heard that she's already on page 196. As you can see she went straight throuogh 67. She told me that she loved this book and that I should read it. Kat told Jac about her secret, and kat got a new dog and named him Max. Jac loves Max like a best friend. Kat and Jac spend so much time together and when Kat sees the spirits, Jac can tell by the look on her face and check it, she never freaks out! Jac is always interesteedd to know what or who Kat saw.Talk later, just don't tell her I posted a comment, she will have a huuuuhge breakdown!!!!!!!!!!