Friday, January 30, 2009
Finally I got The Book
I finally got 26a my mom let me read it. Every thirty pages I will keep you updated. I will totally enjoy it because my mom said it was a googd book and Ican't wait to read it after I read Help! I'm trapped in a Supermodel's Body.
dragon ball z vol 22
Sadako and Thousand Paper Cranes
"I didn't read it"!!!!!!
hole is a book about two boys who became best friends and helping each other to get out of camp.
twilight is(ok)
one pound gospel by rumiko takashi

This book is great! Want to know why? It tells you about a young man who fells in love with a pretty young lady who is a nun. His name is Kousaku Hatanaka. The pretty youn lady's name is Sister Angela. Hatanaka-san dream is to win a title of champs. In the end, They were married and lived happily ever after...
Dragon Ball #15

This time in the twenty-third Strongest Under the Heavens the Crane master turns his brother into a deadly killing machine. During the first match Tien has to fight the deadly machine. As always the mighty Tien had defeated the machine Tao. As the Strongest Under the Heavens tournement goes on Goku has to fight a old but angry friend. Her name is Chi-Chi. AS a child Goku promise that he take her hand in marrige. And now that Goku is married he has a new life.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
scrap teacher
Sardine In Outer Space #4
New Moon
The Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet
The book im reading is "The Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet"
It's about this boy named Eric Hinkle and he was abot to play outside with his friends until his mom called him to clean out the basement and he noticed a room that a magical place where drangons were. They were locked out and the only way out is to find the Magic Carpet woman named Keech and drangons blocked there way to find her.
The authors name is Tony Abbott
The story is to entertain the reader
It's about this boy named Eric Hinkle and he was abot to play outside with his friends until his mom called him to clean out the basement and he noticed a room that a magical place where drangons were. They were locked out and the only way out is to find the Magic Carpet woman named Keech and drangons blocked there way to find her.
The authors name is Tony Abbott
The story is to entertain the reader
Bridge to the Terabitia
This book is really fun to read. It's about a boy named Jess and a girl named Leslie. They went to the imainary land of Terabithtia. At the end of the story, it was sad. Leslie died. It is a good book.
A Stone In My Hand

I am done reading a book called A StoneIn My Hand by Cathryn lasky. It is a sad book about a girl that is invovled in a war and her father dies. She ha a bird named Abdo and she can talk to him. The book on the left of this paragraph is the same book but the cover looks different then the way I have it.
Breaking Dawn
This book is fabulous because Bella and Edward get married and then they go on a honeymoon and Edward bruise Bella arms and then he apolgezeids then he star to help her eat then she finds out that she pregnant then they go home she has the baby like two months aftward then its a girl her name is Renesmee Carlie Cullen and she is very beautiful ans she know how to read, talk,write,dance and knows how to hunt. She has a gift that when she touch someone's cheeks she will picture things and the person know what she is sayin. But she really doesn't like to talk out loud READ THE REST TO FIND OUT WAT HAPPENS AFTER SHE IS BORN
A Corner to the Universe
A Crooked Kind of Perfect

Lately, I've been reading A Crooked Kind of Perfect. I was not going to finish reading the book because in the beginning it was quite boring. As I kept on reading and reading, I looked down at the page number it was one-hundred and something. This book never made me stop reading but other books did. I really recommend others to read this book. It is really awesome and interesting. As you keep reading this book you will find out why the title is named A Crooked Kind of Perfect.
Freak the Mighty
Im reading Freak the Mighty again I do recall I told you what it's about but reading it again makes it better and bad because you know whats going to happen but that keeps it interesting too. It is good because insted of keep reading you're taking the time to predict or you can just get it out of you're head and read either one is good.
Cherie's book name is Begging for Change

I’m reading a book that’s called Begging for Change. The book is about a girl name Raspberry Hill, who once was homeless, vowed never to end up on the streets again. To her, money equals security. But when a troubled neighborhood teenager attacks her mother, Raspberry is desperate for things in her life to change and ends up stealing from her best friend. But nothing good comes from bad money. And as her thoughts alternate between the two men in her life-as her relationship with Sato blossoms and her relationship with her drug-addicted father Raspberry must finally confront the biggest of all her fears: is she really much different from her thieving father after all? How will her friends react when the find out what she's done? Raspberry is certain...something's got to change.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Finished one, onto the next!
I finally finished Oscar Wao, which was, well...WOW! It was a hard book to read because there was so much history about the Dominican Republic which I had to keep track of. I learned a lot, though, and by the end of the book I cared so much about the characters that I couldn't stop crying. I won't tell the ending, but it really made me feel for all that this family had gone through, and all the Dominican people had gone through under the horrifying reign of Trujillo.
Now I am reading New Moon. I am trying to keep up with all you middle schoolers! It is fun to read; I am at a sad part of the book, and I am wondering what will happen to Bella and Edward's relationship. Don't tell me!
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

I am about to read Tales of a Forth Grade Nothing. My sister is already reading it and she said it is real enteresting and funny.I wouldn't say it's better than Junie B. Jones But my sister says it's really funny and will entertain ay child at any age soon I am going to be reading it and I'll be sure to update you on each part I read.
girl's only
I'm reading a book for girls only called ''My Body My Self''. It talks about how a girl thinks and I have been able to make some connections to some comments by other girls. It talks about personal girl stuff and things that some of need to know about the gift of the female body.Lynda and Area Madaras wrote this book.Read it ,it's good!
New Moon
Hill Harper's Letters to a Young Brother
Please help me

Hello all of sixth grade. I am looking for a book that has alot of drama
and is realistic fiction. I want it to be atleast 200 pages. I really like teenage books alot that talks about teenage life. I like to prepare myself for the drama in highschool. If anyone has the book called Drama High please can u let ma borrow it. THANK YOU.

I am Half way done!

I am half way done! I know I'm slow and I'm just taking my time so I can understand the story better. I am at the part where she found out he was a vampire! It's so nice to read a book that I can keep up with and that I really like. I know I am slow but i just want to understand things better. I think Twilight is the best book I've ever read, well that's just my opinion.:)
Dragonball vol.10

I am now reading The Color Purple. This book is for advanced readers because the women that is telling the story is writing in a country accent. She is telling about her hectic life. She thinks she is black, fat, ugly, and dumb. This book is written in letter form. During this book she is writting ti god and her sisters. This girl has a lot of drama in this book and is being forced to grow and mature herself very quickly.
The blood fight of dragon Ball
the indian in the cupboard
A Corner of the Universe!
I am reading this book and I really am enjoying it. I saw Teacher Benaline and I might wanna read it!
New Moon
Gaba Kawa (japanese)
The book I am reading this week and last week is called Gaba Kawa. The book is about a girl named Rara who is a demon who came into this world to wreck humans (demons call them mortals) and anything they can do to make them to have bad luck so she had to start a life as a mortal but actually a demon. So one day, when she was going to school she heard that a famous demon is in this school and she has to try to beat him at giving people bad luck but she actually fell in love with a mortal named Retsu. And he also likes her too, but it a demon falls in love with a mortal, then she or he will diasappear! So the only way for her not to disappear is to kill him, but she would never do that! What should she do?
Monday, January 26, 2009
Breaking Down
The book Im reading is called breaking down. i picked this book because i was trying to read the whole collection of Stephen Myers. this book is about a girl name Bell who wanted to be a vimpier by a boy name Edward.and at last she got pregant by him and she dont know if she will die or not.
Whales for kids
In this book it tells many interesting facts about whales like what places of the ocean where they are born at. Also tells if all Killer Whales are harmful.
The author of this story is Tom Wolpert
Empress of the world

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saving Shiloh!
The Tale of Despereaux!
I am finally finished reading The Tale of Despereaux and it was a good book to read. I really enjoyed the book. This book has many different messages and it was very exciting at the end. One of the messages were: Even if you're little doesn't mean that you can't be brave.
Princess Academy

Miri, a mountain girl lived in a mountain call
"Mount Eskel" with her family. oneday a surprising
news came from lowlands. the prince will chose his bride from
Mount Eskel(this means Miri will have a chance to become queen)
but first every girls below age 17 in Mount Eskel must attend a makeshift academy in order to become a Aademy Princess.
would she become a princess? and the destiny of one small
but a intelligent girl.
Now that I have the book, Twilight, I might as well talk about it. This books starts to get boring in the beginning but once you read more, it gets better and better. You might be wondering how do people like this book. People who loves romance, scary, or mystery might love this book. If you read the next book, New Moon, it gets better. I just can't wait to finish all the books. I hope you like this book!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Smart Girls Guide to Money

- Do you ever walk into a store and buy something you really don't need? Well you're having money problems. It's ok all of us girls have those days when you just think you need something. This book will help you with all you're problems with money. It helps you with all problems a girl might have with money such as:
- 1. I need a raise in allowance.
- 2. I never keep track of money.
- 3. "Budget is not in my vocabulary."
- 5. How do you find bargins.
- Can I borrow cash
- I'll pay you back

This is a book about a girl when her friend's family member dies her life has been crashing down. Many might say "How does that have anthing to do with her," has plenty affect on her life this book is a real good book and maybe it will make an affect on your life as well and no matter how long ago you read this book you'll keep comming back and will end up reading it over and over again.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Avatar the Last Airbender
This is a awesome book. It talk about a boy names Avatar, he is last airbender in the world. The firebender want to catch him and kill him.
One Of My Favorite Books

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
guinness world records 2008

i have herd so much about this book its sounds so good i know it's like a little old because it is 2008 but i have not read 2009 yet and i am planning to read it i saw both books at barnes and nobles but i got another book time im sure i will read the 2009 one!!!!!!!!!!im not sure about the gamers edition only good picture i culd find.
Thirteen by Lauren Myracle
This book is for girls and what they could possibly go through when they turn 13. I just started this book a couple weeks ago and it's o.k. so far. I think it's going to be about a regular girl starting 7th or 8th grade in a new school. She already has a crush on this really cute boy but doesn't know how to tell him. I think the girl would have no idea about the feelings this boy has for this 13 year old girl. When I read more, then, I'll tell more.
Monday, January 19, 2009
The tale of Despereaux
I almost finish reading that book. This book is a lot of adventure. The mouse Despereaux is a brave little mouse.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Child of the Owl
I am finally going to read Child of the Owl. I stopped reading the book for about a month or two, untill i started to hear people talking about the book, I wonder what was going on. I started to read the book and I felt like i couldn't put the book down because the story was too good. I also startd to read the book because i didnt have any book to read so i decided to read this book since now I want to finish the book untill the end.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
dragonball z volume 9
Dragon's Gate is done

I am done reading the book Dragon's gate. The author was Laurence Yep the same one as Child of the Owl. This book is about this guy named Otter that has to go to America and work on some railroad tracks. I'm not sure what book to read next I haven't picked a novel or chapter book yet so I'm reading picture books for reading log. I want to read Twilight but I dont think there are any more copies I can read if anybody is done with the book may I borrow it?
The Tale Of Desperaux
I am reading a book called The Tale Of Desperaux its is about a mouse named Roscuro and he is trying to get a taste of the soup, but never got a chance to
It's Halloween, You'Fraidy Mouse
ultimate xmen
i'm done reading the book at the end it turns out that professor xavier didn't kill magneto
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Oscar Wao
I have been reading the book The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz. It is about a nerdy Dominican boy growing up in Northern New Jersey, and his relationship with his family. It is interwoven with history about the Dominican Republic under the the rule of the dictator Trujillo. It is an interesting story to read because it switches viewpoints. I like books like this because they give different perspectives and make you think in new ways.

I read a book called broad way its about a boy who has a dad in his life because his mom died in a house robbery.Hes thinking about how hes going to live his life with out his mother.So one day he was crossing the street and fell in the middle of the street and he had a flash back that his mother was saying stop to the men but the men kept going but he was saying stop to the car but the car stop.If you want to know more comment it then ask what happened next.
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